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Naga Soup |Simple Herb Soup

Great food are usually those that are simplest to make. Today – we have the recipe of a soup made out of a herb called Elsholtzia blanda (The Ao tribes call it ‘NAPA’). Not only is it easy to make, but it’s also a comfort food with an amazing flavor. So shall we get started?

rootsandleisure_Naga Soup

Ingredients: Serving (2-4)

  1. 8-10 Cherry tomatoes (Sliced)
  2. 1-2 Green chilly
  3.  2-3 stalks of dried Napa (Elsholtzia blanda)
  4. 500 ml water
  5. Salt to taste

Cooking time : 15 minutes


1. In a medium sized stockpot, put in the sliced tomatoes , chilly and water and bring it to a boil till the ingredients are cooked.

2.Mash the ingredients with a heavy wooden spoon or a tool like shown below


3. Once all the ingredients are mashed, put in the Napa (Elsholtzia blanda)  and cover the stockpot. Cook for 5 minutes. Serve hot.



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