All posts tagged: Baafoon


Limhathung from Nagaland – Founder of Baafoon, Talks About His New Venture.

“Hi! My name is Limha and I am the father of Baafoon. I am a designer/artist by day and sleeping by night. I am in my early twenties, finished my studies and now work time for Baafoon. Now I am Baafoon.” Meet Limhathung from Nagaland, a young artist /graphic designer, turned entrepreneur. He is the founder of Baafoon – an online store that sells the geekiest, coolest and most kawaii (cute) products. When and why did you decide to start a venture of your own After barely finishing my studies in animation film design (I failed in most of the subjects), I found myself being bored and broke most of the time. I was not happy with who I was turning out to be. So, I started using the internet more often and decided to put it to good use. Then I got to know about some really successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, Jack Ma, Binny Bansal and others who inspired me to start my own venture.   I started out by living …