The Journey Of The Reigning Miss Nagaland 2018 – Mewetshou Dianu
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt Indeed! Your dream is what makes you different. It defines and shapes you. Many a time, we fall short in appreciating and noticing our dreams because we think they don’t hold a purpose for us in the long run but today we have our very own Mewe Dianu, the reigning Miss Nagaland, who inspires us to dream and do everything in our power to achieve it. We all have a young kid inside of us constantly reminding us of our bonkers wishes and dreams we made when we were just 6 years of age. Building a rocket, to be an astronaut, to be crowned Miss Nagaland; our dreams as kids were unlimited and without boundaries. We are excited beyond measure to have Miss Mewe Dianu remind us of our childish ambitions. We had a chat with Mewetshou Dianu, Miss Nagaland (2018) to talk about her experience with the beauty pageant, winning the title and more. Hello Mewe! So happy …