All posts tagged: cambodia

Jonathan Marques, An Analyst and Traveller, Shares His Travel Tales From Cambodia

For Jonathan Marque, true joy resides in exploring new places, meeting new people, and embracing new views. An analyst by profession, he recently took a sabbatical to travel around the world. Taking on the road with his friend, he set out to explore Thailand and Cambodia this year.  He’s already covered Japan, Vietnam, and South Africa and hopes to travel to Northeast India and South American soon. We chatted with him to know his take on travel and more.  Hey Jonathan! Tell us a little bit about who you are and what you’ve been up to. I’m Jonathan Marques, 33 and currently based out of Mumbai and Goa. I have been working as an analyst in the Energy and Oil & Gas sectors for about a decade, but am currently on a sabbatical since a few months to explore new avenues, specifically sustainable living and Permaculture design. What initially sparked your journey? I love the thrill, excitement and experience of a new place, its food, people, culture and natural beauty. Every trip has only helped …