Conversation With My Friend About How Instagram is Taking Over Our Lives
“I think cotton candies are so magical! Just look at them! They’re so fluffy and sweet and so Instagram friendly! Oh my lord! I cannot wait to post this!” And then we laugh, and get into some ‘serious’ talk about how Instagram has taken up so much space in our mind, and our lives at large. My friend continues, “It’s a little scary but I don’t think it’s all bad. I mean, it is making our world fuller and bigger – as in, we now get direct access to people across the world, and vice versa. Also, what about the memories we get to make? How else can we freeze moments from our everyday lives? Now that you have made me say it, I am even more convinced that we NEED Instagram in our lives! Shall we take more pictures Jungshi?” I couldn’t help but nod and admire how logical she sounded indeed. I guess some changes are not so bad after all! ~Jungshi