All posts tagged: devilz tattoo studio


“I Want People To Experience The Beautiful Transformative Power Of A Tattoo” – A Chat With Tattoo Artist, Angel Zimik From Manipur

Tattoos have gone mainstream, and what was once considered a mark of rebellion in the past has become a trend that most people sport as a meaningful symbol. What’s fascinating about tattoo is how something so personal can etched forever (well almost!) as a beautiful piece of art. We had a chat with Angel Zimik, tattoo artist from Manipur. She talks about how it got started and the challenges she faces as she work full time at Devil’z Tattoo studio, New Delhi. Hello! Introduce a little about yourself. Hi! I’m Angel Zimik from Manipur and I’m currently residing in New Delhi. I am a tattoo artist and work full time at Devil’z Tattoo Studio, New Delhi since April 2018. Introduce us to your work and what got you started? According to me, tattoo is a moment of your life frozen on your skin. It’s phenomenal and I love how it stays permanent on the skin. Art on the skin is altogether a different game. Being a tattoo artist is often less compared to a painter …