All posts tagged: fashionista

Get Your Dose Of Fashion Inspiration From Tiapong Tzudir, A Fashion Enthusiast From Nagaland

Some days in the past, it was largely the job of a handful of glossy print magazines to decide the taste in fashion. Today however, the times have changed and now the style influencers have dispersed into innumerable blogs, Instagram posts and other platforms – all of them grabbing the attention of the people. Today, we have Tiapong Tzudir from Nagaland, a fashion enthusiast with a YouTube channel of his own, sharing his little adventure with fashion! A chat with Tiapong Tzudir, student and fashion enthusiast from Nagaland. He talks about how his interest in fashion started, his inspirations and some of his favorite trends for Spring’19! For a starter, tell us a little about yourself. I’m Tiapong Tzudir, my social media handle is – The Yatra Kid. I go to college. I love creating contents for my YouTube. And I cannot lie that I love to dress up. As you have mentioned, you run a YouTube channel, and you are a student. With so much happening for you, how do you manage time? I …