All posts tagged: female pilot


Meet Sonam Choki — A Passionate Pilot From Kathmandu, Nepal

Most of us have at least once in our lives dreamed of becoming a pilot, and soaring high up in the sky. Today we have Sonam Choki who made this dream a reality! She currently works as a pilot in Nepal and is also mother to 8 dogs. Sonam is definitely taking her life to new ‘heights’ and can inspire many to do the same. Join us, as Sonam tells us more about her work, some memorable incidents and places she’s been to! Hello Sonam, tell us a little bit about yourself. Hello there! I am Sonam Choki Sherpa, 31-years-old, living in Kathmandu, Nepal. I’m pretty much leading a normal life apart from what I do for a living. In my day to day life, its either work or I’m out with my dogs (8 of them. Yes, you read that right!), indulging in hiking, swimming, wall climbing, yoga and traveling in the rural parts of my beautiful country. That’s quite adventurous. Can you tell us about your work and what inspired you to become …