All posts tagged: Happy New Year

Rootsandleisure_Year 2018 Roundup

A Trip Through Memory Lane with Roots and Leisure as 2018 Comes to an End – and a Personal Note from the Team!

2018 is coming to an end, and the year has been amazing. We have had a great time discovering and writing about talented people around the world. Today, we sit down and take a trip down memory lane as we go through our posts, thinking back to everyone and everything that made our journey so meaningful and fruitful. From the lovely chats to exploring delicious cuisines from across kitchens to covering the most happening events across the country and discovering the best local spots from across corners, we are indeed richer as a whole family. So take a seat and get comfortable as we go through our year in 2018. As a team and community, we have covered a lot during this year, and here are a few of those which has helped us grow as a family. People We Met Through our extended family of contributors, we met so many interesting talents – from artists to travelers to entrepreneurs to what not! Through them, we have expanded our circle of inspiration and we feel so blessed …