All posts tagged: LukkaChhupi


Ishani Kanani of Lukka Chhupi talks about her Creative Journey

Lukka Chhupi is to Ishani Kanani what The Chocolate Factory is to Willy Wonka. It’s an expression of urges. Kanani has created an infused mix of bright, quirky and spunky products that can liven up even the dead. Brimming with hand-crafted products using traditional textiles with block prints and tempestuous floral and unwavering geometric patterns, the venture is a box of sweet goodies that makes the heart sing for more. We sat down with the founder of Lukka Chhupi for a talk to learn more about her creative journey.  Lukka Chhupi is an interesting name for a brand. What’s the story behind the decision? Lukka Chhuppi germinated as an idea and a desire to create a scrapbook of sorts; a collection of memories in the form of fabrics accumulated from various places of visit. It is a collection of memories. It is a journey as well as a destination. The story behind the name, on the other hand, begs little to no attention, as it is one of spontaneity and the spur of the moment. ‘Lukka …