Recipe of Machihan | Naga Chutney Made with Bitter Gourd.
Today, we have a chutney recipe straight from the kitchen of the Lotha tribe in Nagaland. Our Naga friends have already guessed it – yes, it’s the famous ‘Machihan’ chutney, famously prepared by our Lotha friends. Machihan chutney is made with simple ingredients and is pretty straightforward to make. Its distinctive flavor, with a hint of bitterness, comes from the unique combination of bitter gourd and dried fish. This chutney has the power to transform any simple meal into an unforgettable one. So, grab your bitter gourds, brinjals, dried fish, and king chilies, and let’s get started! Machihan, a popular chutney prepared by the Lotha tribes in Nagaland has a strong appetizing flavor through a harmonious blend of bitter gourd, brinjals, and dried fish. Ingredients: 3 big tomatoes 20 green chilies 2 dried fish 3 local brinjals 2 big karela (bitter gourd) salt to taste Preparing the Ingredients: Wash the dried fish thoroughly in warm water – changing the water 3-4 times. You may remove the head portion, with bones and gills. Do not forget …