All posts tagged: mask fashion

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Fashion Folks Talk Mask Trends and Shopping Choices in the Times of COVID

Whether we like it or not, face masks are going to be a part of our daily lives for some more time. As we adapt to this new lifestyle which was born as a safety measure for you and your loved ones, many of us saw an opportunity for a fashion trend. So we dug a little deeper into the trend, and we found inspiration from among our community who are not only encouraging people to wear masks but are making the most of it through their style. Scroll down and be inspired…  Theyiesinuo Keditsu, 39, Assistant Professor, Kohima “COVID has rendered the Mekhalas I wore to work obsolete as well as most of my wardrobe. I spent the first lockdown literally interchanging between two lounging outfits. While I have always shopped sparingly, this pandemic has made shopping for clothing, makeup & most accessories a futile and an insensitive exercise for me personally..given the grave threat of the virus & the suffering it has unleashed. But with so many local businesses – fashion-centered ones included, …