All posts tagged: Mass gardening


Mass Gardening | How A Bunch of Fun People Created the Beautiful Box Garden at Kohima

Green spaces constitute a major environmental resource of our urban landscape. Scientists and environmentalists have been constantly voicing their concerns on how urban green spaces are depleting at an alarming rate.  With green spaces now occupying smaller proportions of the landmass of our cities, it is now every citizen’s responsibility to take green spaces seriously. On that note, did you know that a group of young people did this really cool thing to make Kohima town more beautiful? We are talking about the members of the Facebook group called Naga Flower Lovers Page (NFLP) who recently got together to participate in a self-formulated project called ‘The Box Garden project’. It all started when a few organizers from the group decided to assist the Kohima Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s (KCCI) beautification programme on the 9th of July this year. As part of the programme, NFLP members congregated at the Box Cutting bye pass road at Kohima to do their bit of creating more green spaces in the city. ‪ ‪Here are a few pics of the …