All posts tagged: memories


#FACES | “These Kids Posing for a Photo On Their Way Back From Karate Class Made My Day” – Animikh Chakrabarty On His Trip To Darjeeling

“As I was enjoying the crisp freshness of the early morning on a recent trip to Darjeeling, I crossed path with these lovely bunch of kids. Full of energy, they were apparently returning from their karate class. I said I wanted to take a photo, and they happily posed for me. They just made my day – and gave me a photo to remind me and others of how welcoming the locals from the hills can be. This photo is probably the most memorable one from my trip to Darjeeling. So many positives in one picture – a sense of community, friendliness, energy, and friendship. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of how these local people are always open and welcoming to all – despite past situations where the place and their people had seen unpleasant encounters.I see this photograph as a mutual love letter from me to the people of the hills and from the hills to me.” – Animikh Chakrabarty from Kolkatta, West Bengal. Local kids returning from their morning karate class in the hill town of Darjeeling, West Bengal – taken by …


“Travelling Is Like A Soul Searching For Me And It’s Addictive” – Syria Chongtham Monnin From Manipur Talks About Her Travel Adventures Around The World

“Traveling is one of the easiest ways to become aware of the magic that weaves all of creation together through serendipity and synchronicity with perfect timing.” – Adam Siddiq Life is a wonderful gift. As we travel, we are exposed to new places, cultures and we’re also opened to new insights, ways of seeing the world and living, this often leave us overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for all the beautiful moments we enjoyed. Syria, a globetrotter takes every opportunity to stay positive in life, even when she goes through the most difficult heart break. She has learned that there is so much more to life through travelling around the world. Today, we had a chat with Syria Chontham Monnin, a travel enthusiast from Manipur who is now settled in Everly, ill-De-France with her husband. She talks about how travelling have influenced on her personally, during her ups and downs in life. Also, she has leave some important tips for our readers so let’s find out everything below.. Introduce a little about yourself. My name is Syria Chongtham Monnin, 29, …

Rootsandleisure_Fernhood School_Featured

#Faces | “Our School Gives Plenty of Opportunities to Learn Many Things Outside Our Textbooks and Meet New People” – Imliren, Student of Fernhood School, Kohima

“This photo was taken outside my school – Fernwood School in Kohima, with my friends. We took this photo after our school hours before heading home. We had just joined our new school, so we stayed back for a while to explore the campus.  What I like best about going to school is meeting new people and making new friends. As we learn things from each other, we also build good memories and that is something I truly treasure. Fernwood School teaches us how to be independent and gives us the opportunity to involve ourselves in various extracurricular activities. We get to explore new things and it gives us the privilege to learn new things outside of our textbooks. I look forward to going to school every new day.” Imliren (third from the left) and her friends stop to take a photo before heading home, outside their school – Fernwood School in Kohima as they create some beautiful and everlasting high school memories. Imliren (middle) and her friends outside their school, Fernwood School, Kohima