#FACES | “These Kids Posing for a Photo On Their Way Back From Karate Class Made My Day” – Animikh Chakrabarty On His Trip To Darjeeling
“As I was enjoying the crisp freshness of the early morning on a recent trip to Darjeeling, I crossed path with these lovely bunch of kids. Full of energy, they were apparently returning from their karate class. I said I wanted to take a photo, and they happily posed for me. They just made my day – and gave me a photo to remind me and others of how welcoming the locals from the hills can be. This photo is probably the most memorable one from my trip to Darjeeling. So many positives in one picture – a sense of community, friendliness, energy, and friendship. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of how these local people are always open and welcoming to all – despite past situations where the place and their people had seen unpleasant encounters.I see this photograph as a mutual love letter from me to the people of the hills and from the hills to me.” – Animikh Chakrabarty from Kolkatta, West Bengal. Local kids returning from their morning karate class in the hill town of Darjeeling, West Bengal – taken by …