Business & Lifestyle | Meet Asalie Peseyie
Entrepreneurship is catching up quickly in Nagaland – especially with the young and the enterprising lot. It is almost certain that small and new age businesses are soon going to emerge as the top economic drivers contributing to more job opportunities, new skills and hopefully a better working environment. The young Nagas today are clearly an enlightened bunch with a huge dose of optimism regardless of the fact that that the challenges are many like – low access to resources, capital, mentorship and the list goes on. Hence, even more reason why we should laud the efforts of those who are constantly exploring and innovating within these limitations to create businesses, which are not just novel in idea but also demonstrating the potential to compete at much bigger platforms. It is exciting to see countless trailblazers starting up on their own and in the process, encouraging more and more people to join the force. Say hi to Asalie Peseyie – first among many to follow under our new series “ENTREPRENEUR“. A resident of Dimapur and founder and owner of …