All posts tagged: mul biju


Local Kids Visit Neighbors For Food During Mul Biju Festival At Mizoram

“This photo was taken during this time of the year, last year – at Kamala Nagar, Chawngte, Mizoram! As we can see in every other states of India, there is a visible divide between the rich and the poor. But on the occasion of Mul Biju, it brings everyone together as the poor can go and request the rich for food — and they won’t be denied. It’s similar to “trick or treat” in the U.S. during Halloween, where you won’t be rejected or left empty handed. Here, the kids don’t have to wear costumes or dress up as such. But still, they enjoy and cherish the small things which this world – to be thankful for our life! The neighborhood kids had come to one of the well-to-do families and were waiting for food. Eagerly waiting for food, they were all gazing at the door. These images bring to you the harsh realities of this and the children, where even the basic necessities are lacking. In Chawngte, irregular supply of electricity and water is …