All posts tagged: wuyawon flower


This Pink Orchid Flower “Wuyawon”, Native to Shingcha Village Of Manipur Is Attracting Thousands Of Visitors

“This flower has been blooming since forever but my village being small, approximately 80 households – most of them with no education, and of course no funds, hardly did anything to make this beautiful place a public tourist attraction. Even though I was born and brought up in this village, I have never seen this flower until 2014, because this flower blooms during the month when our summer breaks gets over. It starts blooming at the end of June and lasts till the second week of August but the peak time is July 15th to 25th. It was in March,2014 when my cousin Mayo and I finally came back home for good after 15 years of my stay in Pune. The same year my friends and I went for a drive to have a look at the flowers for the first time and we couldn’t believe what we saw – such beautiful treasure just lying there unexplored! My cousin and I decided on the spot to promote this. We thought this could be our way …