Month: July 2016


Meet Hopong – The Photographer Behind the Exclusive Cosfest Photos

Meet Hopong Chang – the guy whose coverage of the wonderful Cosfest that was held last week in Nagaland has brought the event tons of publicity. We caught up with Chang to find out more about his work. “I am actually not a full time photographer. I work for the forest department here in Nagaland but I try to find time for my hobby. Ever since I was a kid, I walked around with a camera and shooting subjects that were intriguing to me. But I started taking it more seriously only in 2013 – that was when I bought my first DSLR camera. People inspire me. So shooting portraits, weddings and a little bit of fashion photography comes natural to me.” Nagaland Anime Junkies (NAJ)4th Annual Cosfest July 2016, Kohima | Cosplay-Ciel &Sebastian Michaelis (Black Butler) Cosplayers-Meyidem Yaden& Tiajungla Here are a few more pics from Hopong’s fashion and wedding photography portfolio:         


Giant Hydrangeas in Shillong – Scotland of the East

“We wanted a break from work and go on a trip, but we just had 2 days so Shillong was the best bet – since it’s just around 350 Kms from Dimapur, Nagaland. We are having a ball out here! On our way to Cherrapunji, we came across rows of really tall pine trees and massive bushes of hydrangeas (Just look at them!!). It is super refreshing to take a walk after the rains . .the mystical clouds – almost touching the pavements (we could barely see beyond 5 meters), were breathtaking!! Feels like we had enough fun for the next 6 months in these 2 days! 🙂 We even made time for the new Bollywood movie ‘Sultan’ :D”  


Meet The Man from Nagaland Travelling the World on a Bamboo Bike

If an analogy of taking your roots around the world would have to be written, we can simply write about Yakuza’s story and be done with it. Kudos to this trailblazer for setting the stage –  hopefully, we will have many more such stories to share. Say hi to Yakuza Solo (Sievituo Chevy) from Nagaland, who’s going around the world on a bicycle made out of bamboo! His mission is to tell the world about the Nagas and Nagaland. In Nagaland, bamboo plays a huge part in the lives of the people – from being consumed as a food item to a spice, and a material used for building furniture and lovely houses. It is, therefore, very fitting that Yakuza chose to ride a bamboo bicycle to embark on his adventure, and to tell the world about the rich cultural land of the Nagas.  Yakuza will be travelling to Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and the United States of America. Here …

RootsandLeisuer_Lulu Tribal Kitchen

Naga Food in Belgium | Lulu’s Tribal Kitchen

Say hello to Lulu Pheiga who has taken her roots across continents – to Genk, Belgium. When we came across her story and her lovely food truck that says “Back to the roots“, we had to write about her. After all, Roots and Leisure is all about staying connected to your roots – no matter where you are and how far you are from home. Thanks to Lulu, people can now literally taste the diversity of India! And yes, Indian food is more than just Samosas and butter chicken 🙂 You can get in touch with Lulu on her Facebook Page on through her website.  All Images Courtesy : Lulu’s Tribal Kitchen


Silkworms | The Eco-Friendly Naga Delicacy

Recycle and Reuse – nothing should go to waste. Bet you’ve heard that too many times already. Today, let us show you how to practice it and hopefully, it’ll leave an unforgettable taste in your mouth or at least in your imagination for now 🙂 So yes where is this leading to? A recipe of one of Nagaland’s many delicacies – the silkworm. Since it’s one of our favourites, we did a little bit of research to find out why should we even eat them –  does it have any benefits other than the fact that it’s super delicious? We know some of you may go eww.eww . .Eeeeoow!! But check out the cool facts we dug up – it may probably change your mind. From a story that dates back to 5000 years ago, the Chinese Empress Xi Ling-Sh apparently discovered silk when a cocoon fell into her hot cup of tea. As the cocoon unraveled , she realized that it can make exquisite cloth  – as her fingers ran through the fine threads. This is how silk …


World Music Day in Nagaland | An experience shared by Arenjungla

Reader’s Post: Our reader Arenjungla shares her experience at the World Music Day celebration at Mokokchung, Nagaland. If you were given a choice between watching your favorite football player play and attending a concert of your favorite music band, what would you choose? Our reader Arenjungla had to make that choice and she shared her exhilarating experience with us when she finally chose to attend the World Music Day celebration held at Mokokchung, Nagaland. I thought I was already late when I reached the venue at 5:00 PM as the pamphlet said the event began an hour earlier. Turns out my friends and I had actually reached the venue a little too early and things were just beginning to warm up. Taking advantage of our early arrival, we thought we’d go ahead and grab a good spot for us near the stage. All this while, my excitement was getting out of control as I couldn’t wait to catch my favorite band Tune up Channel  (declared as “Best artist from Nagaland” during the Hornbill Rock Contest 2015). As luck would …