“This photo was taken on 12th July 2021 in Kohima, near the Lotha Church in Chandmari colony. My best friend captured it while we were on our way to do some grocery shopping. We have been friends since Sunday school days, but it has been ages since we last met, due to the lockdowns. Moreover, now that we are in college, we don’t get to meet often, as she studies at Patkai college (in Nagaland) while I’m in Delhi.
On this particular day, Kohima was blessed with nice sunny weather so I thought I’ll pay her a visit. It felt so nice meeting her after all this time. Later, we went out grocery shopping together, and then to our favorite restaurant – and stuffed ourselves! I still remember how much we ate that day as we jabbered about everything under the sun, like the old times…we spoke about our hostel lives, our school days, our day-to-day happenings, and how the pandemic has affected us all. When I look at this picture, it makes me think of my best friend. She’s been with me through thick and thin. And as I write this, I miss her dearly already…” – Neimeseu Wetsah, Kohima
“The basket I am carrying belongs to my friend’s mom. My friend said it went well with the shirt I was wearing 😛 I bought it from a thrift store on Instagram.”~ Neimeseu

Neimeseu Wetsah from Kohima, on her way to the grocery store, with her best friend
“We have been friends since Sunday school days.”- Neimeseu(L) with her best friend.

Neimeseu (L) with her best friend.
“This is a photo (below) of my best friend’s house entrance. It’s like our little getaway. It’s our favorite meeting spot.” – Neimeseu