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Photography by Weku Kapfo

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Emotions like sadness, happiness, loneliness . .  . are a daily affair but we cannot always express them. Meet Weku Kapfo, who has a knack for capturing the beauty of day to day affairs.

His photographs are very honest and pure. Look at his photographs and you will instantly feel the emotions echoing through the image – be it a lone tree or a happily married couple.


Kapfo has a degree in Psychology and now he is pursuing photography full time.

Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken, talks about having to choose between two roads without knowing what lies ahead of it. Kapfo’s journey to achieve what he has today teaches us something similar – that there may be times when we take a few wrong turns but it’s never too late to turn back and follow what you love. Say hi to Weku Kapfo.

  • Tell us a bit about yourself.

Well, I am just swimming through life’s unexpected turns. I studied to be a psychologist but that didn’t turn out to be what I expected. In fact, photography is not a profession that I studied for. I followed it as a hobby and it turned out to be my passion, which I wanted to pursue as a career. I do nature and wedding photography in genera,l but look forward to shooting anything that attracts my visual perception. I go by the name “kapfo_visualarts” on Instagram.

  • What are the perks of being a photographer?

It’s pretty cool actually. You get to experience various settings and travel to exotic places for one. It also helps you to understand people better as you communicate with them while shooting. People who understand photography can see all the efforts that were made on a photo.

  • What types of photography packages do you offer?

I have worked on zero payment package to my customers (or as I call them friends) till now. *chuckles* But I do receive some thank you gifts  and appreciation. Some people have already asked for my packages/rates so I do plan on putting certain things in place.

  • What kind of challenges do you face in your line of work?

You do encounter some clients that do not appreciate the value you put in and the amount that is invested in the equipment to come up with quality work. They assume that we are just clicking photographs and anyone can do it. But photography is highly technical and constant practice, just like any other skill. Frequently buying better types of equipment and keeping yourself updated does not come cheap either.

  • Lastly, any words of encouragement for upcoming photographers like you?

I am in no place to give advice like the professionals but I’d like to advice upcoming photographers (like me) to practice a lot. Develop a habit of taking the camera along everywhere you go – trekking in the woods, trip to the local market etc. and continue to hone your skills. Photography is all about perception. So, visualise what you want to capture and let the camera sensors produce the image.

An old picture of you piggybacking on your dad’s back, first dance in your wedding, the birth of your first child are all captured in a single shutter but become forever reminiscent of all glorious moments.


A photo posted by Weku Kapfo (@kapfo_visualarts) on


Senti Naro
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