All posts tagged: aloo


#RECIPE | Potato Lovers Will Love This Popular South Indian Dish – “Aloo 65”

It is said that there are more than 4000 varieties of potatoes in the world, and is the fifth most important crop worldwide. Numbers and facts aside, how many of us here are potato lovers? Don’t we agree that most meals would be incomplete in the absence of potatoes? Irrespective of which culture we come from, potatoes are an important ingredient in most kitchens.  Today, we have a popular South Indian dish – Aloo 65 – contributed by Abhishek from Nepal. It is inspired by the world-famous Chicken 65, a spicy deep-fried chicken dish. Abhishek uses potatoes instead of chicken so that his vegetarian friends can also enjoy the yummy spices and crispy texture. Let’s find out how to prepare this dish! Aloo 65 is the vegetarian version of the world-famous South Indian dish, Chicken 65. It’s crunchy, spicy, and deep fried so it’s bound to be ever so comforting at any time of the day, as a quick mid-day snack or as a side dish to a homemade thali. Ingredients : 5-6 potatoes, boiled and …