All posts tagged: Colocasia

RootsandLeisure_Chicken with colocasia

Naga Recipe | Chicken with Dried Colocasia Leaves and Fresh Bamboo Shoot

  A hearty Naga meal would consist of cooked rice, some boiled vegetables (fresh from your/your neighbour’s kitchen garden), hot chutney and of course meat! We love our pork, but chicken is a favourite too. We just make sure that it has the right mix of local herbs and spices to get that authentic Naga flavor irrespective of what the main ingredient is. Today we have a special chicken recipe from Lidang’s kitchen – made with dried Colocasia Leaves and our favourite ingredient: the bamboo shoot. Super easy to make (as long as you can get your hands on these local spices), and mouth-wateringly delicious!Full recipe below 🙂 Ingredients: Chicken-250 gm  Handful of dried colocasia leaves  2-3 tablespoon of fresh bamboo shoots  Green chillies as per taste Ginger Salt to taste 2 cups of water Ingredients (clockwise from Left) : Dried colocasia leaves, fresh bamboo shoot, sliced ginger, Green chillies Preparation (5mins) Wash all the ingredients throughly Slit the chillies into two, and keep aside Cut the ginger into thin slices and keep aside Directions to Cook (30 …


Recipe | Manipuri Dish: Paan( Colocasia/Arbi) Eromba

Eromba is one of the most popular dishes Manipuris prepare for their lunch/dinner. It is a local-favourite dish, enjoyed by people from other parts of Northeast as well. It’s usually made with boiled vegetables mashed with ngari (fermented fish) and chillies. Vegetables like yongchak (tree beans), soibum (bamboo shoots), yendem (buckwheat), belandri (lady’s finger), lafu (banana stem) and Paan (colocasia/arbi) are commonly used to make different varieties of eromba. Our recipe today, is the Paan (colocasia/arbi) eromba contributed by our lovely R&L follower, Impala Ayekpam. This is a simple dish you can easily make using ingredients available around your kitchen! Paan (Colocasia/Arbi) Eromba Prep Time: 10 mins Cooking Time: 15-20 mins  Ingredients: 250gm of Paan/colocasia/arbi (washed and peeled) 10-12 Dried red chillies/1-2 king chillies (whichever is preferred) 5-6 Ngari/fermented fish 2-3 smoked fish (optional) Salt to taste. Garnish :  Fresh 1/2 u-morok/ghost pepper (thinly sliced) and Spring onions/corrainder (chopped) Directions to cook:  Add 4-5 cups of water in a pressure cooker and boil the arbi and chillies.  Let it whistle  for about 4-5 times  Cool it down and drain the water  Roast the …