All posts tagged: Poems


“My Poetry is a Protest” — Vancouver Shullai from Shillong, On His First Book ‘How To Love A Broken Man’

At 23, Vancouver Shullai has published his book of poetry, won a national prize for his poetry and is already breaking out of the mold of traditional poetry-writing. Based in Shillong, he recently completed his masters in English from Bengaluru.  Talking to Vancouver Shullai is like taking a walk through his mind. Our conversation with him left us inspired, and wanting to indulge in his poetry. He says, ‘I really think that’s how art works, any form of art, be it music or paintings or films – the liberty to interpret that we as artists give our readers and spectators is in abundance’. Join us for a conversation with the winner of the 2017 Wingword Poetry Prize, on the publication of his first book of poetry, “How To Love A Broken Man”. Vancouver Shullai calls himself an artist, on a journey of constant change and improvement. To start off, we’d like to congratulate you for the release of your book! Please share a bit about yourself with our readers.  Thank you! I’m Vancouver Shullai, 23 …


A Chat With Rinreichon Angkang, Student And Author From Manipur To Talk ABout Her Recently Launched Debut Book, “Blue Is Not One Of Her Favorite Colors”

Writing can be a freeing experience – it connects you with nature, brings you back to reality, and also gives you the freedom to dream. Today, we have Rinreichon Angkang, a student and passionate writer from Manipur, who recently launched her debut book ‘Blue is not one of her favorite colors.’ The book is a collection of short fictional stories and poems that explore various themes and emotions. Rinreichon started writing by jotting down her thoughts and reading daily quotes on the “YourQuote” app, which inspired her to create her own stories and poems. In this interview, we will discuss her book, its themes, and what inspired her to write it. We had a chat with Rinreichon Angkang from Manipur to discuss her recently released book ‘Blue is not one of her favorite colors’. Hi Rinrei, please tell us a little about yourself. Hello, I’m Rinreichon Angkang, 20 years old from Ukhrul, Manipur but I’m currently based in Shillong, Meghalaya pursuing my B.A final year at St. Mary’s College. Tell us about your book ‘Blue …

Rootsandleisure_Michelle Rungsung

“I Grew Up in a Broken Family – and That’s Where It All Began” 24-Year-Old Michelle Rungsung Talks About her Debut Book ‘Garden in a Graveyard’

Writing has proved to be therapy for many like Michelle Rungsung who has found her saving grace through penning down her thoughts. What started as a habitual daily journaling of her memories and secrets, is now her biggest and most trusted method to fight and heal her way through her loneliness and mental illness. 24-year-old Michelle from Manipur is an exceptionally beautiful prose writer who entwines her words with her own emotions and draws you towards a peripheral of vision that is unknown yet so personal. We chat about her debut novel “Garden in a Graveyard” which is a collection of deeply personal short proses and poems exposing her own experiences with hurt, abuse, mental illness, love and journey to self-discovery and healing. A chat with 24-year-old Michelle Rungsung from Manipur who just released her debut collection of poems and proses, “Garden in a Graveyard.”She talks to us about her book, her struggle with mental health, her healing journey and everything in between. Congratulations on your book Michelle! Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Michelle Rungsung …


Spilling Intricate Poetry on Paper : Tialila Kikon on her new release ‘Paper Cranes’.

“There’s nothing more rare, more precious than a heart that can appreciate and uplift another” – Tialila Poetries are unstoppable gateways to innumerous human emotions and feelings that otherwise don’t find an outlet within us. These spontaneous creations go on to hold even more importance when they stand to represent a collective cause. One such important Indian contemporary poet, is Tialila Kikon. Kikon’s work picks up twigs of life, love, hope and humanity, and builds simple yet sanguine poetry with them. Her poems were published in ‘Feminist Voices Across Cultures: A Poetry Anthology‘ and some of her Tanka poems appeared in ‘Winter Writes: Poems, Stories & Sagas’. She also has a Kindle eBook published by the Whitesboro Group of Writers, New York. Her poems ‘Indeed’ and ‘Children of Conflict’ were selected among 300 other poems submitted by poets from around the world and displayed at the Moberly Arts and Cultural Centre, Vancouver, Canada on 12th March 2016 at the WIN-UNESCO World Poetry Month Celebration on the theme of Love and World Peace. In this short …