All posts tagged: redroselle


Recipe | Ruby Red Roselle Jam

“I got a good batch of red roselle from my terrace garden itself. Apart from cooking various dishes , I made this beautiful tangy sweet jam from the roselles . Goes great with bread ,rotis and even in tarts” ~  Geeta (@geeta_4u) Geeta’s yummy roselle jam  recipe is given below. Ingredients: 1kg of Red Roselle Sugar to taste A table spoon of vinegar Directions to cook: Remove the red outer covering from the fruit All the red part is then boiled in a large vessel with water Once the water starts to boil ,it becomes ruby red Add equal amount of sugar and keep stirring continuously Remove the foam which forms at the top with a laddle Keep stirring for almost 45 mins The red petals will become mushy . (Optional to keep it if you want the mushy consistency) Add the vinegar The liquid will become dark red in colour and thick in consistency The jam is ready Let it cool Store it in clean , dry bottles .