All posts tagged: rosemary


Recipe Of “Roasted Lamb Leg” By Raman Okram From Manipur

Today’s dish – “Roasted lamb leg” is contributed by a passionate cook, Raman Okram from Manipur. For him, this is one of the easiest recipes that he has cooked so far. His suggestion is to go for a smaller size of the lamb leg because they’re more tender and it could easily fit to the tray of the oven too. Let’s find out the recipe and how it is prepared! “Roasted Lamb Leg” dish by Raman Okram from Manipur Ingredients : Lamb Leg (1 kg) Olive oil (2-3 tbsp) Salt and Pepper Garlic (2-3) Herbs such as rosemary and thyme (you can use any herbs that you like) 1 Lemon Baby potatoes (4-5) Preparation of the dish : Browning – because it helps to lock the juices inside the meat. Season the meat with olive oil, salt and pepper Make a lemon juice and olive oil in a bowl (1 lemon and 2-3 olive oil). You can add some origano in the mix (optional). Direction to cook the dish : Put the lamb (cut into …