All posts tagged: Shinobi



Remember Shinobi from a while ago? We wrote about him and his art in an earlier post. Well, we have an announcement to make! He has launched his ‘WinterMade’ collection of tees, with his original illustrations. They are limited edition tees and are available in three (3) variations : Black, White and Dip Dye [Black ones are sold out]. “Why WinterMade? Well, am glad you asked. I am a December child, and I love Winter. The art I do doesn’t always look jolly or colourful. I’ve always been drawn towards art that takes a person through a journey – a journey that speaks about situations & stories, that are not-so-pleasant[dark] but teaches you valuable life’s lessons. I value such experiences as it enlightens you in a way that is deep and long lasting.” Hence the name WinterMade – Art served Cold.   Love them? Then good news! You can buy them online  HERE. Priced at INR 850/- to INR 950/-


Interview with Moanungsang aka Shinobi – An Artist and Branding Expert from Nagaland

Meet Moanungsang Lemtur from Nagaland –  a talented artist and a graphic designer – working in a design firm in Pune. He’s a genius when it comes to all things branding, packaging, logo design – and a lot more! We met him on Twitter (@shinobiSneakIn) a while ago, and have watched him only grow since then. From a kid with artistic talent – to an influencer and a trendsetter in the creative community, we had to know where he gets his inspiration from and where he’s headed.  Hi Moa, so tell us why you call yourself ‘Shinobi’?  “Shinobi” is just a name I picked up many years ago. I got really inspired after watching a documentary about Ninjas on the History Channel. I love the dedication they have for their martial art form, the varieties of weapons they master, their techniques and their craft – all of it. Knowing that they actually existed in our real world got me intrigued. So, Shinobi is my tribute to their way of life. It’s like a self-made alter ego – he encourages me, he …