All posts tagged: Silkworm dish


#RECIPE | Fried Silkworm Dish – A Naga Delicacy By Ayhunle Lorin From Nagaland

At Roots & Leisure, Saturday means recipe! Our readers share their own tried and tested recipes with us from easy breakfasts to heavy dinners. Today we have Ayhunle Lorin from Nagaland with the recipe of delicious fried silkworm dish. She says, “Silkworm are widely consumed in Nagaland although it may not be everyone’s cup of tea. There are different ways to cook it, according to individual’s preferences. Here, I’ve boiled and fried them.” All it takes is some spices and silkworms to make this yummy dish. The recipe of fried silkworm dish, contributed by Ayhunle Lorin from Nagaland Ingredients : Silk Worm ( 1kg ) Chilli powder ( 3tbsp ) Turmeric powder ( 2tbsp ) Ginger and garlic paste ( 3tbsp ) Roasted Machingagutti powder ( 2tbsp ) Vinegar ( 2tbsp ) Green Chillies ( 10pc ) Oil (4-5 tbsp ) Salt to taste Preparations of the dish : Boil the Silkworm Cut it into small pieces Marinate with salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder, garlic, ginger, roasted machingagutti powder, vinegar and green chillies Heat the …


Silkworms | The Eco-Friendly Naga Delicacy

Recycle and Reuse – nothing should go to waste. Bet you’ve heard that too many times already. Today, let us show you how to practice it and hopefully, it’ll leave an unforgettable taste in your mouth or at least in your imagination for now ๐Ÿ™‚ So yes where is this leading to? A recipe of one of Nagaland’s many delicacies – the silkworm. Since it’s one of our favourites, we did a little bit of research to find out why should we even eat them – ย does it have any benefits other than the fact that it’s super delicious? We know some of you may go eww.eww . .Eeeeoow!! But check out the cool facts we dug up – it may probably change your mind. From a story that dates back to 5000 years ago, theย Chinese Empress Xi Ling-Sh apparently discovered silk whenย a cocoon fell into herย hot cup of tea. As the cocoon unraveled , sheย realized that it can make exquisite cloth ย – as her fingers ran through the fine threads. This is how silk …