All posts tagged: Slow Cheetah


“I Want My Listeners to Find a Piece of Themselves in My Songs” – A Chat with Indian Rapper SlowCheeta from Mumbai

  “SlowCheeta is a clever artist, who likes to wrap his sharp words in an easy-going sound, presenting them to the audience sometimes almost in disguise.” That’s how we were first introduced toย Chaitnya Sharma aka SlowCheeta. So we reached out to the artist himself to know more about the person and the soul behind the rapper. We got talking about his roots, his inspirations, his creative style, and his recently launched music video ‘WANNABE RAPPER’. Read on for the full interview below…ย  Rapper Chaitnya Sharma aka SlowCheeta from Mumbai gets candid with R&L as he shares about his roots, his love for ’90s Hip Hop, his new music video ‘Wannabe Rapper’ and more.. Hello Chaitanya, good to have you here today! Please introduce yourself to our readers. Hi my name is Chaitnya Sharma aka SlowCheeta. I’m a rapper and actor from Mumbai and I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years now. I just turned 30, and it has been a hell of a ride! Why did you choose music? I always wrote poetry as …