Author: Sukriti Dubey


“My Minimalist Way of Life Inspires My Tattoo Styles” Delhi-based Tattoo Artist Raghav

Raghav Sethi, a renowned tattoo-artist from Delhi, took to the art form 8 years. In a place where there’s still very limited awareness and knowledge about tattoo art, he worked hard to break out of the mold and make it big in the industry. Currently one of the top tattoo artists in the capital city, he runs his studio The Tattoo Shop. We had a quick chat with him about his work and how to make it big in the tattoo industry. Head to the link in bio or below to give it a read! Hey Raghav, thank you for chatting with us! We’re thrilled to have you. To start off, please introduce yourself to our readers. Hey, I’m Raghav Sethi. I am a full-time tattoo artist and I run the Tattoo Shop in Delhi. I am 27. What initially sparked your interest in tattooing? I had always been into sketching and drawing. Tattoo branched out of my love for drawing. It was only a natural progression from paper to tattooing, as and when I …

R&L Readers Share Their Highlights of 2019 and Hopes For 2020!

As the end of an arrives and the other begins, we tend to look back at our successes and failures, joys and sorrows. We set the agenda for the next one and reminisce the one gone by. For us at Roots & Leisure, 2019 has been an year of immense growth where we discovered a number of artists and interacted with people who inspire and create a positive community of changemakers. To wrap up the year, we spoke to some of our readers who share how their year turned out to be and what they expect for 2020. We hope you enjoy the end of the decade with some good stories, a warm cup of coffee, and a lot of love! Tap on the link in bio or below to read. Guse, Kohima (Currently in China)  The moment 2019 began I was like that’s it, I quit. All jokes aside, my life and lifestyle is constantly changing. From 2017 moving to a new country trying to settle in, 2018 trying to get more connected to …