All posts filed under: BANGALORE


Psychedelic Art and Amusement With Visual Artist/ Musician: Sachin Bhatt from Bangalore

  Visual artist and musician, Sachin Bhatt is an indie art lover’s best-kept secret.  Bhatt is a young talent who, like many artists, is on a constant quest of finding himself and his place in the world. Bhatt’s art and music shines through this process of deliberation, where he is on his own picking pieces off of his busy mind, but equally, in relation to other people and their nuances, he is confronted with. Here’s how he does it. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Sachin Bhatt, but I go by @bhattchin over Instagram. I’m a 19-year-old musician and visual artist studying at Srishti School of Design, Bangalore.  I’ve been illustrating ever since I can remember and I’ve never really stopped doing that. What actually sparked your interest in art? I’m a musician as well and I’ve been making art based on music for ages. I’ve absorbed a lot of pop culture and I love showing it through my art. Tell us about your art and how do you work on it? So, I work with a …


An Artist and a Mom-In-Motion from Bangalore | Praaggya Sharma

Artist Praaggya Sharma had been moving from one city to another from the time she was born at her uncle’s house in Bareilly, U.P until in 2010, she settled down in Bangalore. While her literal transition had come to a halt with her husband and a family of her own, she found a medium of metaphormosis- colours on a canvas! Painting, she realized was something that would keep her evolving constantly. Before you got into the world of painting and art, what did you do? I have lived over many states, cities and small towns as my family kept moving. I was born in Uttar Pradesh and we moved to Rajasthan because of my father’s work. However we made another move to Delhi  where I did my schooling and my two siblings were born. After I was done with school, we moved to Ahmedabad for a year.  In 2004, my family moved again to Chandigarh where I finished my college. Then, I went to IMT Nagpur for my MBA. After that, for a year, I …