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Folks! Ziro Festival of Music 2016 is Happening!

What’s Ziro you ask? Only the most fun outdoor music festival in India! The Ziro Festival of Music is set up at Ziro Valley in Arunachal Pradesh and is scheduled to enthrall Indian music fans from 22 – 25 September 2016. For the uninitiated, Ziro sums up as a place to experience a brilliant mashup of Indian indie music scene in the heart of India’s most underrated travel destinations of all time!

The Ziro Festival of Music is India’s youngest music festival featuring independent artists compared to the likes of  NH7 Weekender Series and Chasing Storm Festival. But its founding fathers Bobby Hano, who manages independent alternative rock band Yesterdrive, and Menwhopause guitarist, Anup Kutty are on to a good thing here. Because if it weren’t, Ziro Festival wouldn’t have been as magical and enchanting as it was. See it for yourself [recap of Ziro 2015]

And this year, IndiaTrail’s founder and chief traveller Rohan Abraham is heading out with his fellow travellers to be a part of this musical experience. Driving up from Tezpur (Assam), it looks like their adventure has only begun! Check out the breathtaking views en route! [Thanks Rohan for the pics!]

Facing The Storm On Our Way to Ziro

Facing The Storm On Our Way to Ziro

The Road is Offering up Some Brilliant Sunsets

The Road is Offering up Some Brilliant Sunsets

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IndiaTrail’s Rohan and fellow travellers will be stationed at the festival until the 25th of September. For anyone who wants to know more about Ziro festival and how to get there, we have all the information HERE (courtesy of IndiaTrail). Stay tuned for more updates.


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