How exciting is it to see the sunrise in one country and sunset in another? Breakfast in Paris… Lunch in New York… Dinner in London… That is something we all would like to experience once in our lifetime. 24-year-old Livika Swu from Nagaland lives her life out of a suitcase and travels to her dream destinations as part of her job.
Livika Swu travels the world as a cabin crew for Qatar Airways. We’re delighted to have her tell us about her favorite destinations and give us her top travel tips. Read on to get a glimpse of what it feels like to meet different people, explore new cultures and work across different times zones all in one day!

Livika at Grand Place in Brussels, Belgium
Hi Livika! We can’t wait to hear your travel stories… But first, tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m am Livika Swu from Dimapur, Nagaland. I am 24 years old and currently based in Doha, Qatar. I’m part of the cabin crew for Qatar Airways. I love traveling, meeting people from different parts of the world, exploring world cuisines, shopping, and singing 🙂
What made you want to take this up as a career and what do you love about it?
To be honest, to be financially independent was the main reason, but also being able to see the world as part of my job seemed like an awesome bonus. I’ve always dreamt of traveling the world but I couldn’t due to many constraints. So when I went for the interview at Qatar Airways, I prayed hard as I really wanted to be a part of one of the best airlines in the world. My prayers were answered, and I feel really lucky and extremely grateful.
Excited Livika announcing her induction to Qatar Airways

Excited Livika announcing her induction to Qatar Airways
Fire Drill with the batchmates at Qatar Airways

Fire Drill with the batchmates at Qatar Airways
What are the usual reactions you get from people when you tell them you are from Nagaland, India?
It confuses people to be honest. The first assumption they make is I am from Malaysia, Thailand and most of the times they think I am from the Philippines. Even my Indian colleagues, most times would guess that I belong to another nationality until I talk to them in Hindi.
Livika in Sumi Naga traditional shawl and Naga necklace in London [Buy Naga Jewellery]

Livika in Sumi Naga traditional shawl and Naga necklace in London
Tell us about your favorite destinations. Which places would you recommend to our readers?
My favorite destination in America would be Los Angeles. I loved walking around the palm trees and beaches, getting to see the Walk of Fame, Hollywood and also exploring their food, and shopping! I also met some celebrities at Beverly Hills; I could barely believe it was all real! It was a beautiful experience. These places are a must visit (most popular tourist hotspots) for everyone visiting LA. I hope to explore new places on my own next time I visit.
“As for food, I enjoyed spending time at the ‘Farmers Market’ because I got to try a whole range of cuisines – from Mexican to Indian to Italian to Lebanese to Asian… You name it, they had it! It is a food haven and I would definitely recommend it to all food lovers traveling to LA”
Livika enjoying the palm tree view at Beverly Hills, California

Livika enjoying the palm tree view at Beverly Hills, California
Livika at the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Livika at the Hollywood Walk of Fame
“In Asia, I loved Krabi (in Southern Thailand), Bali and the Maldives. I love islands, the people on these islands, and their beach food. People out there are authentic and amazing – just like their cuisine.”
Livika’s snap of the beautiful islands of Krabi.
Livika scuba diving in Phiphi Islands, Thailand.

Livika scuba diving in Phiphi Islands, Thailand.
“In Europe, I love Belgium… The famous chocolates and waffles are as yummy as you’d imagine!”
Chocolate tasting in Brussels
Tasting famous waffles in Manneken Pis cafe, Brussels

Tasting the famous waffles in Manneken Pis cafe, Brussels
“Paris was another dream come true and I would definitely say all the famous spots were more beautiful in real life than in pictures.”
Livika at the historic Eiffel Tower, Paris.

Livika at the historic Eiffel Tower, Paris.
Any tips for travelers visiting these places?
I would recommend going to these destinations during April-March. If you are looking for a budget trip I would say go to Krabi and Bali.
“Also try to learn the art of understanding and speaking in sign language 😀 Not everyone speaks English, especially in Europe. I had trouble communicating there. If you speak French, Spanish or the local language then that is a huge plus point. Learning a few words like ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’, ‘Where is this place’ etc helps a lot in a foreign country. When you try to speak their language, they tend to be more helpful.”

Wine and Dine after a long day | Livika Swu
What are some key things you’ve taken away or learned from your travels?
I think one of the most important things I learned while traveling around the world and also working as cabin crew is the value of ‘Time.’ I feel we don’t value time back home (in Nagaland) – the general culture is so laid back and different. Here, time is literally money. People work hard day and night to be successful. It’s something very important that I try to cultivate in myself too.
Livika out for a stroll in London

Livika out for a stroll in London
Tell us about a special memory from your travels so far.
One of the most beautiful experiences I had was in Helsinki, Finland. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always wanted to see snowfall and play in the snow. I don’t know if it’s exciting for you to see and experience snowflakes falling right on top of you… But for me, it was super exciting and the best memory of my life. It’s something that I will carry and cherish for a very long time.
Livika experiencing her first snowfall at Helsinki, Finland. Follow her on Instagram to see more of her travel adventures!
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