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#FACES | Naga Boys Playing Football in Their Local Village Ground

“Look at all those village boys finding their way to fun. 
They don’t mind the bruises, the mud stains, the scorching heat –
all they care for is the victory.
Victory when the worn-out ball passes through the bamboo posts.
Aye! Our native isn’t anywhere near to FIFA countries
but what a sight and what blissful feeling to witness these boys delve into a world of their own in the green lushes field.
I know just by looking at them play that they are not themselves; not just ordinary. There is a force unseen that drives them on the field.

Indeed Argentina away from Argentina.
Every village has its own football story and you can find it in your Soyim (birthplace) too.”

-Apen, a storyteller from Nagaland 



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