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Crafting Her Own Future — A Jewellery Maker and Owner of LS Jewellery, Lusano Sophie from Kohima

Stepping away from conventional careers, Lusano from Kohima took up an independent step and started her own venture. She launched her line of accessories, LS Jewellery. Inspired by handmade jewellery making, Lusano began experimenting with pieces, which led her to start her brand. 

LS Jewellery features “elegant, feminine and minimalist designs that caters to people of varying tastes,” as she puts it. It’s versatile, chic and everything your wardrobe needs right now! Find out more about the story of this young and inspiring entrepreneur as we chat with her. 

LS Jewellery is handmade and crafted by Lusano herself.


LS Jewellery is crafted and managed by Lusano.

  • Hello Lusano, tell us about yourself and what you’ve been up to recently!

My name is Lusano Sophie. I just graduated with Economics Honors from Shillong. Besides my jewellery collection, I love reading and want to start a venture related to books. I’m working on it, so be on the lookout.

Lusano Sophie from Kohima

  • Tell us about your venture LS Jewellery. What is the story behind this start up?

I always loved collecting jewellery although I didn’t really wear them or thought of making them. It was only last year when I bought a few handmade pieces that I got inspired to experiment. I dismantled the pieces from one of the earrings to see how it was actually done.

I took a few beads that I had at home and tried making one, showed it to a friend of mine and got a good response. It was all very spontaneous. I bought materials from my past savings. Then, I created my page on Instagram and things took a pretty good turn from there on.

A pair of earrings from LS Jewe

One of the first designs by Lusano

  • What’s the concept of your brand?

‘LS’ in the brand name are the initials to my own name, Lusano Sophie. For the longest time I always wanted to create a brand under my own name but didn’t know exactly what I wanted. I found my answer with jewellery!

LS Jewellery branding and packaging


LS Jewellery branding and packaging

  • All of your pieces are intricately crafted. What inspires your designs?

The inspiration and the ideas for my designs come out of nowhere and everywhere. Usually when I’m not thinking about it.

It’s very spontaneous and I don’t rush it. I just look at my surroundings and the next thing you know, I’ve got an idea. Some of my designs also have been influenced by tribal silhouettes, details and motifs as well.


  • Do you think your culture and background has had an impact on your brand?

I come from a conventional family where starting a business venture is a complete no.

I just wanted to take a turn of my own with this venture. It was my personal motivation that pushed me to start my own enterprise.

However, I can say that one thing I take from my family is my dad’s commitment to finish what has been started. That has made me a very hard worker. If I have any orders pending or if I’m in the mood to create something, I usually spend the whole day working until it’s done.

LS Jewellery also sells bracelets and neck pieces


An intricate piece by Lusano

  • Have you always wanted to be an entrepreneur? Tell us about how you discovered this passion.

Not really! As a kid, my ambitions were pre-programmed by my parents/elders – doctor/engineer/teacher. I think I was stuck with that till I didn’t get through my medical entrance test.

I discovered and developed my passion for other things because of that failure and I’m grateful for that!


  • What are the biggest challenges you’ve faced and the lessons you’ve learned thus far.

The biggest challenge I continue to face is that I don’t get the full support of parents because apparently for them this isn’t a real job yet.

Also, I feel like people sometimes don’t realise the value of craftsmanship, especially in terms of price and design. Jewellery-making is an art and it is, unfortunately, expensive.


I have become more creative, have more ideas and have also learnt a lot about business. I’m learning and progressing everyday. I still have a very long way to go.

One of Lunsao’s favourite collections, ‘The Berry Collection’


The Berry Collection by LS Jewellery

  • Tell us about the design and style of your jewellery.

I usually get feedback and comments that my pieces are ‘minimal, elegant and feminine’. I am grateful for that because that’s exactly what LS Jewellery is about and I’m glad that my vision has been received by the other end.

I wanted to make jewellery that was simple, versatile enough for any outfit and also great for everyday wear.


  • Where can we buy your products?

I operate online on Instagram for now.  So all orders are done directly from there. My products range from Rupees 220- 700 (mostly). It is all done by hand and solely by myself — a completely independent venture. And besides earrings, I also make a few bracelets and neckpieces as well.

I’ll be working on my next collection very soon. So stay tuned!

You can browse through Lusano’s collections on her Instagram

A best selling design from LS Jewellery


Designs from her first collection

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