All posts tagged: Bamboo Shoot


Naga Recipe | Local Pond Fish Cooked with Fresh Bamboo Shoot Pieces

If you love fish but haven’t tasted one that has been cooked in Naga spices, then you are missing out big time. Naga fish dishes are easy to make and use minimal ingredients that help retain the freshness of the fish. And the secret to the unique Naga flavor is to add bamboo shoot to the spice mix. It also removes any fishy smell. Today, we have a simple fish recipe made with easy-to-find ingredients and a taste that will not disappoint. This recipe has been contributed by Lilia Jimomi from Nagaland. Full recipe below: Naga Fish Dish with Bamboo Shoot Preparation time: 5 minutes  Cooking time: 25 minutes.  Serves: 6  Ingredients:  6 Nos. of  fresh pond fish (We’ve used local pond fish, but you can use any freshwater fish) 10 local red chilies (boiled and mashed into a paste)   1-2 King chilly (optional) 2 large tomatoes  3 tablespoons of mustard oil  ~200 gms of fresh bamboo shoots – cooked, and in big pieces Some sliced ginger Salt to taste Garlic and fresh red chilies for garnish …


Recipe of “Uti Thongba” Manipur’s Favorite Vegetarian Dish – Contributed by Tushar

No grand feast in Manipur is complete without ‘Uti thongba.’ Uti thongba is a classic manipuri vegetarian dish and there is a variety of how the locals cook and it is enjoyed as a main dish or even a side dish with your favourite meat curry . Today our contributor Tushar from Manipur shares his favorite type of Uti Thongba called ‘Usoi Mangan uti’ (Whole grain with fresh bamboo shoot uti). Read on to find out how to make it! Cooking time: 40-50 minutes Ingredients: 2 cups of overnight soaked dry peas 1 cup of sliced bamboo shoots 2-3 tbs of mustard oil 1 tsp fenugreek seeds 1 tsp cumin seeds 4 green chilies 1 bay leaf 1 and a half serving spoons of chopped chives 1 and a half serving spoons of chopped winter leek 3/4 tsp of salt 3/4 tsp of sodium bicarbonate. Ingredients: Clockwise(L-R) Sliced fresh bamboo shoot, chopped chives, and Overnight soaked dry peas Clockwise (Top R-L) Bay leaf, Cumin seeds, Green chilies, oil, Sodium bicarbonate and salt Directions to cook : Heat …

RootsandLeisure_Chicken with colocasia

Naga Recipe | Chicken with Dried Colocasia Leaves and Fresh Bamboo Shoot

  A hearty Naga meal would consist of cooked rice, some boiled vegetables (fresh from your/your neighbour’s kitchen garden), hot chutney and of course meat! We love our pork, but chicken is a favourite too. We just make sure that it has the right mix of local herbs and spices to get that authentic Naga flavor irrespective of what the main ingredient is. Today we have a special chicken recipe from Lidang’s kitchen – made with dried Colocasia Leaves and our favourite ingredient: the bamboo shoot. Super easy to make (as long as you can get your hands on these local spices), and mouth-wateringly delicious!Full recipe below 🙂 Ingredients: Chicken-250 gm  Handful of dried colocasia leaves  2-3 tablespoon of fresh bamboo shoots  Green chillies as per taste Ginger Salt to taste 2 cups of water Ingredients (clockwise from Left) : Dried colocasia leaves, fresh bamboo shoot, sliced ginger, Green chillies Preparation (5mins) Wash all the ingredients throughly Slit the chillies into two, and keep aside Cut the ginger into thin slices and keep aside Directions to Cook (30 …


Recipe | Simple Bamboo Shoot Chutney

Here’s an quick and easy recipe for the popular Bamboo Shoot Chutney in Naga style prepared using just 3 simple  ingredients and almost zero time to prepare. Ingredients : 250 grams of bamboo shoot. 2 tsp of chilly powder. Salt to taste. Directions to cook : Clean the bamboo shoots under running water properly and slice them into small pieces or any other shape/size desired. In a saucepan, add the sliced bamboo shoot, salt and enough water and boil it for ten minutes. Once the bamboo shoots gets cooked properly, heat a small amount of oil in a pan and fry it over medium heat for 3-4 minutes. Now, add in chilly powder and mix it thoroughly. Let it fry for another 5 minutes. Tasty bamboo shoot chutney is ready to be eaten with any curry.


Naga Dish | Stewed Chicken in Bamboo Shoot

It’s already Friday, and what better way to kick off the weekend than by trying out something new in your kitchen? We have a super simple recipe challenge for you! Meet Vilme, a loving husband and father who enjoys cooking at home. He takes charge of most of the cooking duties, with his wife assisting him by chopping ingredients and cleaning the dishes afterward. In many Naga households, it’s common to see men actively participating in kitchen chores and cooking. Today he shares a super simple chicken recipe that is a favorite with his family – Chicken stew with bamboo shoots. Ingredients: 1 whole chicken, cut roughly into 1″ pieces 5 cloves of garlic 5 dried red chilies 2″ – 3″ ginger 1 medium-sized tomato 1/2 teaspoon of Ajinomoto salt 3 tablespoons of bamboo shoot juice A handful of chives or spring onions Salt to taste Directions: Cut the Chicken into medium-sized pieces. Place the chicken in a large pot and add water. Cover pot and bring it to boil for 15 mins Add the …