All posts tagged: NagaDish


Recipe| Wild Celery Cooked In Roasted Perilla Seed in Naga Style

We love our local vegetables (especially green leaves) the same way we love meat and here is another easy to cook recipe to add as a side dish with your favourite vegetarian thali or non -vegetarian thali and trust us, it won’t disappoint you .  In today’s recipe section , we will teach how to cook fresh local wild celery cooked in roasted perilla seeds . Cooking time : 20-30 minutes  Ingredients : Fresh bamboo shoot flesh (a handful) or depending on how much you are making Handful of wild celery 1 Tablespoon perilla seeds Couple of green chillies One cup of water Directions to cook : First boil water and green chilli. While they are boiling, roast perilla seeds and roughly crush them Once the bamboo shoot and green chillies are soft and cooked add the celery and salt and cook for 5-7 minutes or till water almost dries. Lastly, add the perilla seeds and take it off the flame Ready to eat with your favourite dish and local rice !


Recipe of Exotic Naga Dish | Pork Cooked with Hornet’s Larvae

  Naga Cuisine is known for it’s bold ingredients and hot spices (yes, we mean Raja Mircha/ Bhut Jolokia) Well today, we have a dish that has both these elements : a local dish made out of Hornet’s larvae, cooked with pork and raja mircha. Pelevotuo Solo, Owner of  “Mom and I” Cafe, Kohima contributes this recipe, which is one of the most popular dishes in his cafe. Full recipe below:   Prep Time: 15 mins; Cook Time: 1 hour Ingredients : 1kg diced pork meat 250 gms of hornet’s larvae 2 Raja marches or 10-12 dry red chillies 1 tbsp. minced ginger 20 gms fresh bamboo shoot Salt to taste Spices Used – Clockwise from Left (Photo below) : Fresh Bamboo Shoot, Ginger and Raja Mircha   Directions to Cook: Cook the pork in 500ml of water and add salt to taste Add the larvae after 20 mins and let it cook for another 15 mins. Rinse the bambooshoot with hot water ( to decrease heavy sourness) Put the bambooshoot and dried chilly together and cook for about …


Recipe | Kangshoi (Broth) – Naga Style

Today’s recipe, Kangshoi, meaning broth, comes from our lovely reader Yuimi Vashum. It is best eaten with rice. Serve it hot on a chilly rainy day. Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 15-20 minutes Ingredients: 1 big potato 1 small onion 1 medium tomato 100 grams of spinach (or any leafy vegetable) 1-inch ginger 4 cloves garlic 3 green chilly 4 to 5 pieces of dried meat (4 or 5 inches) or dried fish 1 tablespoon of mustard or cooking oil Directions to cook:  Chop the potatoes into cubes. Thinly slice the onions, tomatoes, and chili. Grind ginger and garlic. Add potatoes, onions, chili, dry meat or dry fish, and tomatoes into a pot. Add water, 2/3 the level of the food in the pot on the stove. Add salt and mustard/cooking oil and let it boil. (if you are using dry fish, make sure to fry it first before you add to the pot). In about 10 minutes, add ginger and garlic. Let it cook for 5 more minutes and check if the potato …


Recipe of Galho – Yummy Rice Dish from Nagaland

In Naga households, no meal is complete without rice, whether it’s lunch or dinner, or any snack in between, like rice roti or the hugely popular ‘Galho.’ Galho is a savory mix of rice, vegetables, and various types of meat, originally created by the Angami Naga tribe and now a beloved local favorite. If you’re interested in trying it out, it’s a simple dish to make, with all the ingredients easily available in any Naga kitchen. So why not give it a go and add a taste of Naga cuisine to your palate? Ingredients: 200 gms Rice 500 gms of smoked Beef/Pork 1 tablespoon of Axone (Fermented Soybean) Chopped pumpkin/squash leaves (or any green leafy vegetable) Ground green chilies (qty according to your preferred heat level) 500 ml water (or more, as required) Salt to taste Directions to Cook : Put water, axone, and ground green chilies into a pot and cook it for 5 minutes. Add salt to taste. Next, add the smoked beef/pork  (1/2″ cubes) into the pot and cook together for another …


Recipe | Pennywort Salad – Naga Style

Any fans of Pennywort leaves? It’s known to be a medicinal plant – native to India and China, and is consumed across Asia especially India, Burma, Thailand. In Nagaland as well, the local people make salads out of these leaves. So today, we are sharing a salad recipe made with Pennywort leaves mixed with peanuts. Ingredients you’ll need: 200 grams of Indian Pennywort leaves 100 grams of peanuts 5-10 Green chillies 2 medium sized onions. 6-8 Cherry tomatoes. Salt to taste. Directions: Wash the pennywort leaves in running water, and make sure it’s thoroughly cleaned. Heat the pan and put a little oil and fry the peanuts for a minute or two. Chop the leaves into small pieces (1”) and keep them aside Finely chop the onions, chilies and tomatoes Next, grind the peanuts. Do not make it too fine – keep it coarse Add all the ingredients together in a bowl and mix it well. Add salt (as per your taste) The salad is ready to be served.   Serve the fresh salad with any …