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“Being a Huge Fan of Harry Potter, I Started Making Magic Wands to Add to my Collection – and That’s How It All Began” – Potterhead Megha Thapa from Darjeeling Talks About Her Venture “Wands by Meghamax”

Raise your hand if you are a Potterhead! We have one right here with us, Megha Thapa from Kurseong in Darjeeling. Growing up, she was a big fan of Harry Potter, and she started collecting every series – which later extended to collecting merchandise. During this phase of trying to collect everything Harry Potter, she started making those magic wands. Turns out, she was pretty good at it, that her wands looked pretty much the same as the ones she saw in the movies – that she and her Potterhead friends began adding her wands to their Harry Potter collections. Today she runs a venture called “Wands by Meghamax” where she even makes personalised wands for her clients.

Today we have Megha with us to share more more about her hobby, her venture and how the money she makes is helping her pursue her dream of becoming a professional photographer. . Let’s find out more about her!

We had a chat with Megha Thapa from Kurseong, West Bengal. She talk to us about her venture, “Wands by Meghamax”, how it all began and the challenges she faces!


Photo : Megha Thapa from Kurseong, West Bengal

  • Hi Megha! Please introduce a little about yourself.

My name is Megha Thapa, 23 years old and I’m from a small town called Kurseong, situated at the Darjeeling district of West Bengal. I completed my schooling from Himali Boarding School, Kurseong and Mahbert High School, Siliguri. I graduated two years ago from South field College, Darjeeling and ever since then I have been putting my heart and soul into my passion for photography.

  • Tell us about your venture, “Wands by Meghamax”.

My venture wasn’t something I had in mind, ever! Having been a huge fan of the Harry Potter series from the very beginning and the desire of collecting it’s merchandise, especially wands was how it all began. I started around 2015 to be precise, not giving much thought into it and not thinking about the world around me wanted wands just as much as I did. One Instagram story later, a lot of people had me asking if I was going to sell them. And  3 years later, I finally created “Wands By Meghamax”.

Harry Potter’s wand made by Megha Thapa


Harry Potter’s wand made by Megha Thapa

Personalised Pottermore wands for a client | by Megha Thapa


Personalised Pottermore wands for a client | by Megha Thapa

Professor Snape’s wand (black) and Elder wand (brown) from the Harry Potter series | by Megha Thapa


Professor Snape’s wand (black) and Elder wand (brown) from the Harry Potter series | by Megha Thapa

  • How did you come up with the idea and what’s so special about, “Wands by Meghamax”?

The Fangirl in me just wanted wands and that was the start. And the people who wanted wands for purchase was how the idea came into being. Something special about my venture if you ask me is the happiness it gives people and the happiness I get in return. A lot of effort goes in when making the wand and the response I get makes it all worth it! A lot of people don’t quite know about this but the earnings also helps me contribute to my passion and my dreams which is Photography – the love of my life! It is something which I have been trying to make a career out of, ever since I was in the 10th grade. The venture has also in someway made me financially independent 🙂

  • Do you face any challenges while running your venture?

The only challenge I faced was getting over self-doubt, I have always been someone who finds the worst in my work and the perfectionist in me makes it all the more worse – “Will people like my work?” was one thought I had in mind 24*7. But once I got over that, it was really easy.

During the process, I also learnt that if you give anything the best of you without thinking hard enough about the outcomes, you’ll be shocked to see how much you’ll achieve.

Tom Riddle’s wand made by Megha Thapa


Tom Riddle’s wand made by Megha Thapa

Hermione Granger’s wand for a client | by Megha Thapa


Hermione Granger’s wand for a client | by Megha Thapa

  • Can you tell us where can we buy them?

You can buy these Wands on my R&L shop or you can DM me on Instagram (link below). Each wand is priced at Rs.800-Rs.900

Follow Megha Thapa on Instagram to see her amazing works and to buy her Wands, shop HERE.


Collection of various Wands Megha Thapa

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