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Recipe for Simple Oats Cake Made without Sugar or Flour – By Ksh Donny From Manipur

Have you ever tasted or made a cake without using sugar or flour? We haven’t either, but today we’re in for a treat! We’ve been hearing rave reviews about Donny’s fantastic “no sugar-no-flour” cake. Apparently, it’s absolutely delicious!

Donny, who works full-time and has a passion for cooking, loves putting her own unique twist on recipes. She’s come up with a simple cake recipe that replaces sugar with honey and incorporates healthy ingredients like oats, fresh fruits, and dry fruits. It’s a simple yet scrumptious cake that you can try making at home. Let’s dive in and discover how she works her magic!

Oats cake with no sugar, no oil, and no flour but a lot of fresh fruits and dry fruits – recipe by Ksh Donny from Manipur


Sugarless oats cake by Ksh Donny from Manipur


  • Apple (2)
  • Oats (2 cups)
  • Egg (1)
  • Vanilla essence (1 tbsp)
  • Baking powder (1/2 tbsp)
  • Pinch of salt
  • Honey (2 tbsp)
  • Dry fruits of  your choice (2 tbsp)
  • Strawberries (10)


  • Chop the apples
  • Shred the dry fruits
  • Slice the strawberries
  • Mix everything in the container except for the strawberries
  • Add honey to the mixture and put the mixture in the baking pan
  • Bake for 20 minutes in a preheated oven – 180 degrees Celsius
  • Take the cake out of the oven, place it in a tray, and add the strawberry slices on top for decoration.
  • Bake for another 10 minutes

Healthy oats cake (sugarless) is ready to be served!

Rootsandleisure- recipe of sugarless oats cake

 oats cake (sugarless)

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