We, at Roots and Leisure, love finding cozy cafes for our readers. Sometimes it’s the food that catches our attention, sometimes the ambiance. Today, we have a cafe that’s got both – a cosy aesthetic and some amazing food!
We headed out to the newly launched cafe and met with its owner, Akho Lerina. The 27-year-old man had always dreamt of starting his own business and a restaurant, which became a reality with Lerina’s cafe. Welcoming everyone with a smile into his cafe, Akho is as charming and humble as his cafe! Head to the link in bio to know what he had to say about his cafe.
Lerina’s Cafe was Akho’s lifelong dream!
Hello Akho, please introduce yourself to our readers!
Hello, thank you so much for having me here. My name is Akho and I’m 27 years old. I belong to the Mao Naga community in Dimapur, Nagaland. I own a cafe called Lerina’s Cafe, which launched recently on the 8th of July, 2019. I had always wanted to be a self-made entrepreneur and to be able to start up my very own cafe. This was always a part of my dream which God helped me to fulfill!
Akho, the humble owner of Lerina’s Cafe.
What makes Lerina’s Cafe special?
Well, honestly, Lerina’s Cafe is not like any of the other fancy restaurants out there but it is just a humble mini-cafe where people of all ages can come, enjoy the good food and have a quality time. We just aim for two things and that is ‘simplicity’ with ‘quality service’.
Lerina’s Cafe’s pleasant and calm atmosphere is a good place for family outings.
A delicious plate of fries!
What do you hope people take away from your restaurant?
I do hope that whoever visits the cafe may feel at home, relaxed and experience the peace and love of God through the food and the service rendered towards them.
What has been the driving force or your biggest inspiration?
For me, the love and support that I’ve been receiving from my near and dear ones is the real source of my inspiration. That motivates me to thrive towards doing my best every day. I’m so blessed and thankful to God for that!
How do you think your Naga roots have influenced your work ethic?
Growing up in Nagaland, I have seen that when it comes to being a self made entrepreneur, our people here are always ready to take up new steps, ideas, challenges and risk. That has definitely influenced and inspired me to be bold enough to take up this venture for myself and turn my dream of starting a cafe into reality. Also, Lerina is my surname and I wanted to give this café a personal touch. So you can see how my roots work in my daily existence.
Lerina’s Cafe has got some very aesthetically pleasing decor!
Is there any message that you would like to share with our readers?
Be consistent in your work, be humble, kind and most of all, trust yourself.
Thank You, Akho, it was a pleasure to learn about your story and about your humble café. We wish you all the success for you and your enterprise.
Some delectable meals at Lerina’s Cafe!

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